Day 125 – The Last Shirt

SunFrog: This is my clone

Wow … this is the end. The last shirt … No. 125 … wow … Should I get more shirts in the future I will blog about them here. But I won’t buy anymore shirts, that’s for sure! But there is always gamescom and shirts for game releases and Kickstarter … 😉

This SunFrog shirt I ordered on day 99 is perhaps my favourite of the four (you saw the others on day 112, on day 114, and on day 118). The slogan just cracks me up every time I see it.

Colour: Red
Size: M

Day 124 – Bad Minions!

Qwertee: Minions

The second shirt I got from Qwertee‘s InsaniTEE Sale is as awesome as the first one I wore on day 100. It shows the minions from “Despicable Me” meddling with Doctor Who’s Tardis and sonic screwdriver. It’s a little worrisome to imagine what they will do with it.

Colour: Grey
Size: M

Day 122 – Digger Omnibus

Miscellaneous: Digger Omnibus Front

Miscellaneous: Digger Omnibus Back

This is the shirt I got on day 112. As soon as I heard that Ursula Vernon wanted to publish all her Digger comics in one huge “Omnibus” edition, I backed the Kickstarter and I surely didn’t regret it. The book is wonderfully designed and the swag is pretty awesome.

If you don’t know Ursula Vernon, please check out her website or her gallery on deviantArt. She is one of my most favourite artists.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 120 – In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice

Games: Grey Wardens Front

Games: Grey Wardens Back

The second of the shirts I confessed getting on day 103 from the Official EA Store (you saw the first on day 116). I love the design as I always had a fondness for the Grey Wardens since Dragon Age: Origins.

It shows the beautiful sigil of the Grey Wardens (a griffon) and the order’s motto: “In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice.”

On the back it says “BioWare” but due to my “skills” as a photographer you totally can’t see that.

Colour: Grey
Size: M