Day 122 – Digger Omnibus

Miscellaneous: Digger Omnibus Front

Miscellaneous: Digger Omnibus Back

This is the shirt I got on day 112. As soon as I heard that Ursula Vernon wanted to publish all her Digger comics in one huge “Omnibus” edition, I backed the Kickstarter and I surely didn’t regret it. The book is wonderfully designed and the swag is pretty awesome.

If you don’t know Ursula Vernon, please check out her website or her gallery on deviantArt. She is one of my most favourite artists.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 108 – Shadowrun Returns … again

Games: Shadowrun Returns

Here the third of the three shirts I got from the Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter (I wore the other two on day 67 and day 86).

Here we can finally see the really cool Harebrained Schemes logo on the sleeve. And of course the stylish Shadowrun Returns logo on the front.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 94 – Desert Ranger

Games: Wasteland 2 Front

Games: Wasteland 2 Back

This is the shirt I got on day 89. Wasteland 2 was one of the first Kickstarter projects I backed and so far I don’t regret it. I already got the original Wasteland out of the deal and Wasteland 2 is almost in early Beta. I’m very much looking forward to this game!

The shirt itself is really stylish. Love the “Desert Rangers” logo on the front and I’m quite proud of the “Official Backer” sign on the back.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 76 – That’s what you get from a Kickstarter 2.0

Games: CLANG

CLANG is another Kickstarter I backed that didn’t quite turn out as expected. Author Neal Stephenson was trying to make the best swordfighting simulation system ever that could then be used in video games. As an ex-archaeologist I can only approve of this! But somehow they then tried to make a game instead and now everything is on hold.

At least the shirt is quite stylish (yes, I’m sarcastic again).

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 67 – Shadowrun Returns

Games: Shadowrun Returns Front

Games: Shadowrun Returns Back

This is the first of the three shirts from the Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter I got on day 60. It’s also the most stylish of all three of them. The grey, blue, and black colour scheme is absolutely great. And I always loved the Shadowrun logo on the front and the stylised S that you can see on the back.

The game by Harebrained Schemes is the first game I backed on Kickstarter ever. I was always a huge Shadowrun fan, having played the pen & paper RPG since the second edition.

It’s also the first game from Kickstarter that I backed that was really published (I even got the game way before the swag!).

The game is great btw. you should check it out!

Colour: Grey
Size: M

Day 5 – That’s what you get from a Kickstarter

Games: Star Command

Star Command is one of the games i backed on Kickstarter. The game is not released yet, but a least I got a shirt out of it. (And in case you were wondering, yes, this is me being sarcastic.)

I love games, I work in games, and I have a lot of shirts around games. I’m talking swag from conventions, video game companies, and Kickstarter projects here.

New Category: Games
Colour: Red
Size: M