Day 99 – Love Japan

Fashion Brands: One Green Elephant Front

Fashion Brands: One Green Elephant Back

Of all the One Green Elephant shirts I have, this is the one with the cutest geisha. The shirt reminds me of old Asian movie posters, which is awesome. I also like the fact that the print continues to the back of the shirt.

But what I like the most is the fact that the words on the front seem to be Japanese katakana at first. A second glance reveals that they actually spell “Love Japan.” That’s so clever. 🙂

Colour: Green
Size: M

While I was quite successful in not ordering new shirts for quite some time now (I ordered the last almost two months ago on day 60!), today I finally gave in and ordered four(!) new shirts. *sigh*

Day 53 – Chibi Girl

Fashion Brands: One Green Elephant Front

Fashion Brands: One Green Elephant Back

Another shirt from the “Love Japan” line of One Green Elephant. This time without any inspiration from the old Japan of samurais and geishas. It shows a cute chibi girl instead and has great design elements on front and back.

The stylised elephant in the heart on the back is the brand’s logo.

Colour: Green
Size: M

No shirts next week btw. I have the week off, yay!

Day 17 – Bifrösted Loki Charms

Qwertee: Loki Charms

Loki was always one of my favourite mythological figures ever, and although I hate it that Marvel’s Loki is not a redhead (as a god of fire should be), I instantly fell in love with this shirt. The goofy design and the idea that the bad guy from “Thor” and “The Avengers” is promoting his own breakfast cereal are really charming. And of course this is again from Qwertee.

Colour: Green
Size: M