Day 60 – Asian Dragon

Miscellaneous: Dragon

I got this shirt (I don’t know where, I don’t know when) because I believe that the print is supposed to be a dragon. And I like dragons.

Colour: Black
Size: M

It’s also confession time. Again.

I ordered two shirts from Qwertee‘s latest InsaniTEE Sale. I know, I know, I was so strong during the last few weeks and did not order one of their amazing shirts. But those InsaniTEE Sales are evil! You get random shirts for only seven bucks. Like in a … I don’t know …  shirt booster pack. I never could resist booster packs. *sigh*

I also received awesome Kickstarter swag today:

Kickstarter swag, yay!

Three new shirts from there as you can see. In my defence: I backed that Kickstarter loooooooong before I started this challenge.