Day 118 – Stormtrooper Academy

SunFrog: Storm Tropper Academy

The third of the four new shirts I ordered on day 99 (you saw the others on day 112 and day 114). The combination of classical t-shirt design and Star Wars is simply great. I always was a big Stormtrooper fan and the idea of attending their academy is very appealing.

Colour: Blue
Size: M

Day 32 – Tantric Tours

Just a Fucking T-Shirt

No idea where I got that shirt. I’m pretty sure I got it for the design and not for the “Tantric Tours” slogan though. 😉

I’m wondering if that icon on the label at the bottom is a sign that this is actually a designer shirt. Anyway I like the look. But if anyone knows anything about the label, please let me know.

Colour: Blue
Size: M