Day 122 – Digger Omnibus

Miscellaneous: Digger Omnibus Front

Miscellaneous: Digger Omnibus Back

This is the shirt I got on day 112. As soon as I heard that Ursula Vernon wanted to publish all her Digger comics in one huge “Omnibus” edition, I backed the Kickstarter and I surely didn’t regret it. The book is wonderfully designed and the swag is pretty awesome.

If you don’t know Ursula Vernon, please check out her website or her gallery on deviantArt. She is one of my most favourite artists.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 112 – Korriban’s Got Talon

SunFrog: Korriban's got Talon

Yesterday was migraine day which means that I spent the day in bed avoiding sunlight. Today I had to wear a feel-good shirt and gosh do I love this shirt I ordered on day 99! The slogan “Korriban’s Got Talon” is of course a pun on the many “Got Talent” shows around the world. I’m pretty sure Darth Talon would kick ass in these shows (in one sense or another ^^).

The shirts I ordered that day are from a new shop I discovered recently: SunFrog Shirts. The shirts are great and the delivery was fast, but the shipping costs from the US are a pain.

New Category: SunFrog
Colour: Black
Size: M

Digger Omnibus Kickstarter Swag

I got another package with Kickstarter swag today. It’s pretty awesome, but as you can probably see in the picture above … there was another shirt in that package.

Day 106 – Starry Firefly

Qwertee: Starry Firefly

This Qwertee shirt is the one I confessed ordering on day 15. The first shirt I ordered since I started this challenge. It combines two of my favourite things: Firefly and van Gogh‘s “The Starry Night.” The print is far more detailled and beautiful than the picture can show (which has nothing to do with my non-existent photography skills, the picture on the Qwertee website doesn’t do it credit too).

Colour: Black
Size: M