Day 122 – Digger Omnibus

Miscellaneous: Digger Omnibus Front

Miscellaneous: Digger Omnibus Back

This is the shirt I got on day 112. As soon as I heard that Ursula Vernon wanted to publish all her Digger comics in one huge “Omnibus” edition, I backed the Kickstarter and I surely didn’t regret it. The book is wonderfully designed and the swag is pretty awesome.

If you don’t know Ursula Vernon, please check out her website or her gallery on deviantArt. She is one of my most favourite artists.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 98 – Unified Heart Tour

Miscellaneous: Leonard Cohen Front

Miscellaneous: Leonard Cohen Back

One of the first LP records I ever heard was from Leonard Cohen. His “Halleluja” is my parents’ song and I grew up with his music. I had to see him live when he came to Wiesbaden on September the 3rd, 2010. Even better: I invited my parents to come with me. They are the best parents in the world, just that you know. It was a wonderful concert and the “background” singers, Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Sharon Robinson and the Webb Sisters were (almost) as brilliant as the man himself.

The tour shirt shows Leonard Cohen’s own symbol the “Unified Heart” on the front and the tour dates on the back. You can’t really read them as I totally botched that picture.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 77 – Fun Tasy

Miscellaneous: Fun Tasy

Yesterday was a bank holiday in Ireland, our work week starts today. 😛

I don’t remember anymore where I got that shirt. I like the contrast between the black and the bright pink, the pink stripes on the arms, and the “Fun Tasy” pun.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 73 – m b j?

Miscellaneous: mbj

I love the playful design of this shirt. The mbj in the logo suggests to me that this may be from a fashion brand as well. But I have no idea what brand that might be. If anyone of you has an idea, let me know.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 68 – Breast Cancer Awareness Snoopy

Miscellaneous: Snoopy

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month here in Ireland. Today was Pink Tuesday for which we were supposed to wear pink in the office. As I work in the games industry that did not really happen. Most people don’t even own pink clothing (and rightly so, pink is one of my least favourite colours). But I actually found a shirt in my collection that is pink and decided to wear it. It’s one of only two pink shirts I own (you saw the first on day 57).

I have no idea where and why I got that shirt. As I said, I’m not overly fond of the colour but it has Snoopy on it and he is awesome. I probably ordered it online and didn’t really see that the shirt is pink. It is only bright pink in a certain light, otherwise it appears to be more reddish.

Colour: Pink
Size: L

Day 60 – Asian Dragon

Miscellaneous: Dragon

I got this shirt (I don’t know where, I don’t know when) because I believe that the print is supposed to be a dragon. And I like dragons.

Colour: Black
Size: M

It’s also confession time. Again.

I ordered two shirts from Qwertee‘s latest InsaniTEE Sale. I know, I know, I was so strong during the last few weeks and did not order one of their amazing shirts. But those InsaniTEE Sales are evil! You get random shirts for only seven bucks. Like in a … I don’t know …  shirt booster pack. I never could resist booster packs. *sigh*

I also received awesome Kickstarter swag today:

Kickstarter swag, yay!

Three new shirts from there as you can see. In my defence: I backed that Kickstarter loooooooong before I started this challenge.

Day 32 – Tantric Tours

Just a Fucking T-Shirt

No idea where I got that shirt. I’m pretty sure I got it for the design and not for the “Tantric Tours” slogan though. 😉

I’m wondering if that icon on the label at the bottom is a sign that this is actually a designer shirt. Anyway I like the look. But if anyone knows anything about the label, please let me know.

Colour: Blue
Size: M