Day 112 – Korriban’s Got Talon

SunFrog: Korriban's got Talon

Yesterday was migraine day which means that I spent the day in bed avoiding sunlight. Today I had to wear a feel-good shirt and gosh do I love this shirt I ordered on day 99! The slogan “Korriban’s Got Talon” is of course a pun on the many “Got Talent” shows around the world. I’m pretty sure Darth Talon would kick ass in these shows (in one sense or another ^^).

The shirts I ordered that day are from a new shop I discovered recently: SunFrog Shirts. The shirts are great and the delivery was fast, but the shipping costs from the US are a pain.

New Category: SunFrog
Colour: Black
Size: M

Digger Omnibus Kickstarter Swag

I got another package with Kickstarter swag today. It’s pretty awesome, but as you can probably see in the picture above … there was another shirt in that package.

Day 99 – Love Japan

Fashion Brands: One Green Elephant Front

Fashion Brands: One Green Elephant Back

Of all the One Green Elephant shirts I have, this is the one with the cutest geisha. The shirt reminds me of old Asian movie posters, which is awesome. I also like the fact that the print continues to the back of the shirt.

But what I like the most is the fact that the words on the front seem to be Japanese katakana at first. A second glance reveals that they actually spell “Love Japan.” That’s so clever. 🙂

Colour: Green
Size: M

While I was quite successful in not ordering new shirts for quite some time now (I ordered the last almost two months ago on day 60!), today I finally gave in and ordered four(!) new shirts. *sigh*

Day 60 – Asian Dragon

Miscellaneous: Dragon

I got this shirt (I don’t know where, I don’t know when) because I believe that the print is supposed to be a dragon. And I like dragons.

Colour: Black
Size: M

It’s also confession time. Again.

I ordered two shirts from Qwertee‘s latest InsaniTEE Sale. I know, I know, I was so strong during the last few weeks and did not order one of their amazing shirts. But those InsaniTEE Sales are evil! You get random shirts for only seven bucks. Like in a … I don’t know …  shirt booster pack. I never could resist booster packs. *sigh*

I also received awesome Kickstarter swag today:

Kickstarter swag, yay!

Three new shirts from there as you can see. In my defence: I backed that Kickstarter loooooooong before I started this challenge.

Day 40 – Kiss & Bang

Fashion Brands: Distorted People

A bad day for the challenge. My colleagues came back from gamescom and brought us swag. Fortunately most of the shirts were XL. Unfortunately three were not … *sigh*

Today’s shirt is from Distorted People, quite different as the other shirt I already wore from this label on day 24. I like it that their shirts are so different in style.

This one reminds me of the wonderful Nancy Sinatra and her song “Bang Bang.”

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 26 – Hexe


Yesterday was a bank holiday in Ireland. Our work week started today, yay!

No idea where I got that shirt. A flea market in Frankfurt, eBay? Anyway, I love it despite its glittery silver. “Hexe” is German for witch.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Today was a particularly bad day for the challenge. I received two shirts that I had ordered in June (which was expected, but still …) and I ordered another shirt. *sigh*

Day 4 – Great Wave

The Great Wave off Kanagawa Front

The Great Wave off Kanagawa Back

This shirt is a souvenir from The British Museum. I studied archaeology and I’m able to spend whole days in this museum. The Rosetta Stone almost moved me to tears when I saw it for the first time.

They have one of the original prints of one of my favourite pictures: “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by Hokusai. When I saw that they had a shirt made after that, I had to get it.

Colour: Blue
Size: M

Oh … and … yeah … Again a confession: I received another shirt today. Again one that I ordered before I started the challenge. But I’m ashamed nonetheless.