Day 23 – Geishas, Fans & Cherry Blossoms

Fashion Brands: One Green Elephant Front

Fashion Brands: One Green Elephant Back

Another One Green Elephant shirt, I really like that label. The design with its brilliant colours, the classical geishas, cherry blossom, Japanese letters, and fans is simply wonderful. I could do without the rhinestones on the front but the design on the back makes up for that big time.

Colour: Green
Size: M

Day 22 – N7

Games: N7 Front

Games: N7 Back

I love all the shirts from the BioWare Store because of the simple and elegant designs. This one if from Mass Effect of course: The N stands for special forces and the 7 marks the highest proficiency rating in the forces. Commander Shepard in Mass Effect is of course an N7 soldier.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 21 – Starry Police Box

Qwertee: van Gogh Tardis

Qwertee again, the first shirt I ever got from this site. The Tardis van Gogh style is a reference to one of the best Doctor Who episodes ever: “Vincent and the Doctor”

I had to get this as I’m a big van Gogh fan. I was lucky enough to see “The Starry Night” and several others of his paintings in person and I was always very moved by them. I did not want to sign up for Qwertee knowing that I would order lots of shirts, so I asked a friend to add one for me to his order.

Colour: Black
Size: M

Day 17 – Bifrösted Loki Charms

Qwertee: Loki Charms

Loki was always one of my favourite mythological figures ever, and although I hate it that Marvel’s Loki is not a redhead (as a god of fire should be), I instantly fell in love with this shirt. The goofy design and the idea that the bad guy from “Thor” and “The Avengers” is promoting his own breakfast cereal are really charming. And of course this is again from Qwertee.

Colour: Green
Size: M