I have a confession to make …

I have a thing for shirts. You know what they say about women and shoes, right? Only that it’s shirts for me. (Ok, I have a thing for shoes, socks, and handbags too, but that’s nothing compared to this.)

I have too many shirts.

Like really too many of them:


No, these are not all of them … Just the ones that are clean and folded.

So I try to buy less, but it’s not easy. To achieve that, I set up this blog and a challenge: Wear a new shirt every workday and see how long you can keep this up without wearing the same shirt twice.

Every workday I’ll post a picture and a short description of my “shirt of the day”. I’m pretty sure I can keep this up for several months.

I will also make a confession every time I buy (or get) a new shirt.

Oh … Two more confessions: I don’t believe in ironing and I’m perhaps the worst photographer ever. #dealwithit

New Category: Confessions